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The Attawapiskat dogs were thought to be smarter than the Albany dogs but the latter proved to be faster and they won the race.
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Four people were once trapped in their tents by a blizzard that buried their tent and their dogs. They only managed to dig out their dogs the next day.
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Ghost River got its name from an ambush in which Cree people killed a lot of Iroquois. Divination had allowed them to determine in advance the enemy's position
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As two men hunted in their canoe (without their moose-shot rifle), they saw a polar bear passing close to them. They quickly got to shore and ran away but when the faster person looked back, the polar ...
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... (Elder David Sutherland in Long 1995:27).
The signing of the Treaty at Winisk, Ontario. Left to right, standing: Father Martel, Indians John Bird, Xavier Patrick and David Sutherland, Dr. ...
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... David Wynne, John Faries and James Sackaney. I’ll repeat what the old man (David Solomon) said they said when they asked for the land. The Indian Agent and his assistant said they were representing the ...