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The Attawapiskat dogs were thought to be smarter than the Albany dogs but the latter proved to be faster and they won the race.
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Four people were once trapped in their tents by a blizzard that buried their tent and their dogs. They only managed to dig out their dogs the next day.
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During mating season, two hunting companions decide to play a trick on a nearby moose.
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Chahkabesh asks his big sister about the fins he saw breaking out of the water of the lake and she warns him never to go into that water because there are giant fish who can swallow him. Chahkabesh doesn't ...
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Ghost River got its name from an ambush in which Cree people killed a lot of Iroquois. Divination had allowed them to determine in advance the enemy's position
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Joel Linklater got lost at night in unknown territory and finally decided to spend the night in the muskeg. When his three companions went out looking for him, they too almost got lost but eventually ...
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Joel Linklater and a companion were hunting moose and as soon as one waded into the water, they shot at it. They only managed to wound it, however, and they proceeded on a chase until at last Linklater ...
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While trapping beaver with a young companion on the Pagashi river, Joel Linklater's gun fell into the water. He fashioned a hook out of a stick but couldn't grab it, so he stripped down and swam for ...
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One winter, a hunter shot a moose and killed him, but night was approaching and he was far from home so he decided to skin the animal to keep from freezing. When morning came, however, he was stuck ...
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As two men hunted in their canoe (without their moose-shot rifle), they saw a polar bear passing close to them. They quickly got to shore and ran away but when the faster person looked back, the polar ...
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Two people hear Weesakechahk singing and find him. The first person asks to live to around average age and Weesakechahk grants this wish by blowing on his head. The second person wishes to be immortal ...
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Weesakechahk sees a bear walking along and asks him if he can see a tent in the distance. The bear cannot and Weesakechahk advises that if he slept, his vision would improve and the bear complies. As ...