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Changing Modes of Travel by Agnes Corston
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Moose Factory Dwellings by George Quachegan
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Teachings by James Small
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When the first airplane arrived at Moose Factory, the people panicked. Some believed a windigoe had come to kill them and they shot at it. The older people believed it was the end of the world. One ...
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Gilbert Faries recounts a typical midsummer's feast where there was racing, wrestling, and dancing. Distinguished managers would also attend
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Description: A Catholic priest with a Cree boy and girl.
Tags Summer, Children, Boy, Girl, European, Missionaries & Children, Moose, Factory
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Description: Cree children watching a movie shown by the local priests. The local priests were popular for showing movies and providing a form of entertainment that was not available to most Cree families.
Tags ...
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Description: Cree men sitting along the banks of Moose Factory Island as they meet a government official. Sitting along the banks during the summer months, smoking, telling stories and playing checkers ...
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Description: An early 18th or 19th century drawing of the HBC post at Moose Factory.
Tags Spring Ice Break, Canoe, Modern Houses, Moose Factory
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Description: The Cree gathering and dwelling place for trappers and their families located in Moose Factory. The dwellings are summer wigwams made of bent over willow trees lashed together with tree roots, ...
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Description: Moose Factory Catholic priest, Father Bilodeau and his motorbike.
Tags Summer, Man, Motorcycle, Missionaries, Modern Houses, Moose Factory
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Description: An early view of the HBC grounds and buildings of the Moose Factory Post (ca late 1800s - early 1900s). Towards the far background is the mouth of James Bay.
Tags Winter, Villages, Moose ...
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Description: Father Bilodeau and Catholic sisters in Moose Factory. Likely arriving from Moosonee or preparing to cross from Moose Factory to Moosonee.
Tags Summer, Woman, Groups of People, Man, Canoe, ...
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Description: An early motorbike used by Father Bilodeau who was one of the Catholic Church priest stationed at Moose Factory in mid-1950s-70s.
Tags Spring Ice Break, Man, European, Motorcycle, Moose ...
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Description: Archdeacon Thomas Vincent, a mixed blood ordained Anglican minister standing on the far left. Others in the photo are HBC and Indian Affairs officials.
Tags Groups of People, Man, European, ...
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Description: Unidentified Cree couple sitting in front of traditional winter dwelling known as an Askiigan. The walls were made out birch or spruce logs and filled with moss to keep in the warmth. The ...
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Description: A row of vegetable plants and a building under construction. Both the Churches and Mission school at Moose Factory had a farm, large gardens and farm animals to feed the staff and students.
Tags ...
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Description: Buildings in York Factory a Hudson's Bay Post situated on the western shores of Hudson's Bay.
Tags Summer, Modern Houses, Moose Factory
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Description: A Catholic priest with a group of children. Most likely in either Moosonee or Moose Factory. Both communities had a Catholic Church.
Tags Spring Ice Break, Groups of People, Man, Woman, ...
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Description: A popular form of winter transportation in the James Bay region from 1950s to 1970s. The Churches, the hospital, Indian Affairs and the RCMP all used these snowmobiles to transport people, ...