Media: (Video)
Changing spiritual beliefs by John Kataquapit
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Christianity by Anna Bella Solomon
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Fall and winter food by Marie Cecile Kamalatisit
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Health by William Cheechoo
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Importance of education by John Kataquapit
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Life in the bush by Anna Bella Solomon
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Life then and now by Emile Sutherland
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Life then and now by John Edwards
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Making snowshoes by Emile Sutherland
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Need for education by Mary Linklater
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Preparing traditional food, by Marie Cecile Kamalatisit
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Priests attitudes to traditional beliefs by Emile Sutherland
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Staying in school by Edmond Edwards
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Store food by Anna Bella Solomon
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Survival in the bush by John Kataquapit
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Teachings by James Small
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Teachings by Mary Sutherland
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Teachings by Sinclair Wynne
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Traditional Dwellings by James Blackned
Media: (Video)
Traditional beliefs and practises by Anna Bella Solomon