The 1905 Treaty

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Another topic I want to talk about is what is known as the Treaty of 1905. I used to hear people talk about it. How
the government agreed to provide provisions to our grandfathers in exchange for their land. The government pledged
a declaration pointing to the things we see every day in our lives. He pointed to the sun, waters, and grass to signify
the strength of his pledge that he will be able to provide for the people. This is what the government did to show
his allegiance to his pledge to improve the lives of the people. But this isn’t so, as far as I can understand to what he
agreed to. I still see poverty.
The government should provide as long as the treaty is in place. The government should provide to their needs.
In the summer of 1957, the people moved to this place after treaty money was distributed. We had come the
previous fall to clear out the brushes for our tents. Some people were living here already. In late spring after the
Indian agent had distributed treaty payments, the people then decided to move to this reserve. This community had
been surveyed exactly where we should be located. Everybody had packed up and got into their canoes to paddle
to the new community and leave the Old Post where we stayed. When I packed my belongings in my canoe, it was
practically empty. (laughs) We did not have much. All we had to pack was our few blankets, our tent and a bit of
The way I see it, they were caught unexpected, and by surprise. So, they agreed without much thought. The meeting
was quite short and they were totally convinced, and totally unexpected. I do not think they seriously considered
the implications it would have on future generations. Do you know what would happen to us if the white man did
not come to interfere? We would exist as before and continue to exist with the sustenance the creator has given us.
Our life would have carried on. I think this is where life went wrong.


The 1905 Treaty by Evadney Friday


treaty 1905 land government sun agreement provide payment

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