Traditional medicines

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When someone goes to the wild country carrying some disease, he will lose that sickness in the wild country. There is no disease in the wild country. The country environment is clean and fresh; not a place for disease. The only illness that one experiences over there is the "sudden cold syndrome". A person died from this illness, since they could do nothing for the sick person. As for physical injuries like the accidental cut, the ancestors were able to treat these injuries. They were also able to stop the heavy bleeding from these cuts. They used "kakikepokwa" (Labrador tea) to treat these wounds. They boiled this plant, ground it, and applied the powder to the bleeding wound to stop it from bleeding. Similarly, various herbs were used as medicine and they doctored themselves with these. Such items as the spruce bark, and Labrador tea which were boiled, were used for the common cold. These were used in the country as there was no modern prescription medication. As far as I can remember, we never saw any modern medicines When we were there, we broke into a rash, and you won't believe what happened to us. We all developed some scabies and rash. My mother was able to make a concoction which eventually made the scabies and rash disappear. She used "Kwashkwechikan". It's a sap (gum) found on the evergreen trees. The trees my mother used were called "sesekathik-wak" (White Spruce). She boiled this bark and wrung it out to collect a yellowish fluid. She applied and rubbed this ointment all over. And soon enough, the rash started to disappear. We were healthy again and this is where my mother got this medication for this rash. These were our experiences in the wild country. It was difficult for the people in the country.


Traditional medicines by John Edwards


Sickness injuries Labrador tea spruce bark white spruce sap medication

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