Wachay! Launched in 2008, On the Path of the Elders site explores both the culture and history of the Mushkegowuk Cree and Anishinaabe Ojibway of Northwestern and Northeastern Ontario, the signing of Treaty No. 9, and the impact of that treaty.
As a role playing game, players explore the history of the James Bay Treaty – Treaty no. 9. The project was originally made possible by support from the Department of Canadian Heritage through the Canadian Culture Online Strategy, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, the Inukshuk Fund, and the National Research Council of Canada. It was a collaborative effort, developed in partnership between the Neh Naak Ko, Carleton University, BlackCherry Digital Media, Archives Deschâtelets, Learning Methods Group, and Pinegrove Productions.
Beyond the game itself, where players can learn the story of Treaty 9 as well as activities such as canoeing, trapping, hunting and healing, the website that houses the game offers many cultural resources. Among these resources are interviews with Elders which explore the story behind the game and points of Omushkego language, culture, and identity, as well as a robust set of rare archival photographs, language resources, and teacher’s guides.
The website allows for a robust search function that allows learners to look for a specific area of interest. Mushkegowuk Council, which owns and operates the site, has recently modernized the technology behind the game and enhanced the cultural content.