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Mistaganash awoke from the dead and returned home to the delight of his mother. He returned to hunting and excelled at it, but someone tried to kill him again over a woman. Thankfully, Mistaganash' ...
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Joel Linklater and a companion were hunting moose and as soon as one waded into the water, they shot at it. They only managed to wound it, however, and they proceeded on a chase until at last Linklater ...
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Willie Frenchman recounts more perilous hunts and encounters, and how he survived crossing a near-frozen river.
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A father and son duo have killed and eaten other Indian families for 20 years until the son is set to marry a girl and his father confesses to what they've done. The new bride's brothers attack and kill ...
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While trapping beaver with a young companion on the Pagashi river, Joel Linklater's gun fell into the water. He fashioned a hook out of a stick but couldn't grab it, so he stripped down and swam for ...
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Willie Frenchman recounts a harrowing, months-long canoe expedition.
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Sophie Gunner describes the many long steps in the process of tanning moose-hide. She also points out the different steps taken by men and women.
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Long ago the land we know as Canada was empty. People lived in another land, up yonder. An unseen voice asked a man and a woman, if they would like to go to this another land down below. They agreed ...
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Long ago the land we know as Canada was empty. People lived in another land, up yonder. An unseen voice asked a man and a woman, if they would like to go to this another land down below. They agreed ...
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Hannah Loon recalls hearing a bushman making noise in the forest as she and her sister and friend were in her father's canoe
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When the first airplane arrived at Moose Factory, the people panicked. Some believed a windigoe had come to kill them and they shot at it. The older people believed it was the end of the world. One ...
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In this story, there is an old man who doesn't treat his wife properly and his son, Ayas, disapproves. One day, the father tricks his son into coming with him and leaves him on a faraway island with ...
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Once during winter there was a man whose younger brother got so cold that he froze to death. When the snow began to thaw, the older brother kicked at the snow and dared it to come freeze him and the ...
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... on the one who laughed at him. The next day, the companion went on the rabbit hunt and was confronted by waves of increasing numbers of rabbits until there were too many to kill. The rabbits feasted ...
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Gilbert Faries recounts a typical midsummer's feast where there was racing, wrestling, and dancing. Distinguished managers would also attend
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As two men hunted in their canoe (without their moose-shot rifle), they saw a polar bear passing close to them. They quickly got to shore and ran away but when the faster person looked back, the polar ...
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Weesakechahk tricks many birds into falling into his trap by refusing to sing outdoors for them and building a wigwam with snares all over. He instructs the birds to dance to his song lyrics and so when ...
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... he's sleeping, however, Weesakechahk throws a stone at his head, kills him, and begins to cook him. But because he had eaten so many berries earlier, he can't stomach eating more right away so he tries ...
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The bear has a short tail now because of his greed. Long ago, a fox told the bear that if he dipped his tail in a hole in the ice, fish would come and nibble it and when he jerked up the fish would ...
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Description: Cree men sitting along the banks of Moose Factory Island as they meet a government official. Sitting along the banks during the summer months, smoking, telling stories and playing checkers ...