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Hannah Loon recalls hearing a bushman making noise in the forest as she and her sister and friend were in her father's canoe
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When the first airplane arrived at Moose Factory, the people panicked. Some believed a windigoe had come to kill them and they shot at it. The older people believed it was the end of the world. One ...
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Gilbert Faries recounts a typical midsummer's feast where there was racing, wrestling, and dancing. Distinguished managers would also attend
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Sophie Gunner describes the fetching of moss for babies' diapers and comments on parents who use cloth exclusively.
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As two men hunted in their canoe (without their moose-shot rifle), they saw a polar bear passing close to them. They quickly got to shore and ran away but when the faster person looked back, the polar ...
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Weesakechahk enticed all the birds into a trap by tempting them with his singing and building them a lodge in which to listen to him. Only the loon escaped the line but Weesakechahk chased him and flattened ...
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The bear has a short tail now because of his greed. Long ago, a fox told the bear that if he dipped his tail in a hole in the ice, fish would come and nibble it and when he jerked up the fish would ...
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It is said that the loon's feet are near its tail because, during a feast, the loon tried to seduce Shingibish's wife. Angered, Shingibish kicked the loon as he tried to run away and crippled his feet ...
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The squirrel has red eyes because, when he nominated himself as leader of the forest, the other animals ridiculed him. He cried and rubbed his eyes to the point where they became red forevermore.
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James Bay is salty because, when the wolverine wanted to attend Weesahkwechahk's feast, a skunk repelled him with its spray and the wolverine had to wash it off in the bay
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Description: A Catholic priest with a Cree boy and girl.
Tags Summer, Children, Boy, Girl, European, Missionaries & Children, Moose, Factory
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Description: Cree children watching a movie shown by the local priests. The local priests were popular for showing movies and providing a form of entertainment that was not available to most Cree families.
Tags ...
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Description: Cree men sitting along the banks of Moose Factory Island as they meet a government official. Sitting along the banks during the summer months, smoking, telling stories and playing checkers ...
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Description: The Cree gathering and dwelling place for trappers and their families located in Moose Factory. The dwellings are summer wigwams made of bent over willow trees lashed together with tree roots, ...
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Description: Unidentified Cree couple sitting in front of traditional winter dwelling known as an Askiigan. The walls were made out birch or spruce logs and filled with moss to keep in the warmth. The ...
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Description: In the early 1900s, horses, trucks, and motorcycles would have been mainly used by non-Cree people. Usually the missionaries, store managers or hospital personnel.
Tags Fall, Man, Children, ...
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Description: In Moose Factory, the missionaries entertained Cree children with movie projectors and movies that were never seen before. It was very popular amongst the local Cree population. The missionaries ...
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Description: A summer scene near the hospital in Moose Factory. The building in the back was one of a number of residences for hospital personnel such as doctors and nurses who came from southern cities ...
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Description: A Cree woman in traditional shawl leaves the teepee with a child during the winter.
Tags Winter, Woman, Family, Boy, Shawls, Traditional, Teepees, Everyday Life, Moose Factory
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Description: Three young Cree women. Possibly visiting a local teacher, priest, store manager or doctor in Moose Factory, ON.
Tags Winter, Boy, Woman, Man, European, Moose Factory